Sometimes being part of a smaller church can be an advantage when getting women involved. Women find it harder to justify their lack of involvement with the “someone else will do it” excuse.
Often, the best time to promote an outreach-focused event is just after a successful in-reach focused event. Women will have a genuine enthusiasm that others will recognize and want to catch. Plan an activity for your existing group to experience together. As they enjoy that experience, the women can begin to recognize the need to do it more often. Promote a similar event and encourage everyone to invite at least one friend or neighbor.
Attracting well-known speakers for outreach events can be a challenge for smaller churches. Think creatively. God can provide in unexpected ways. For example, does your area offer recreation or vacation opportunities? If so, consider offering a home or other lodging opportunity for a speaker to use on a family vacation. Other resources include missionaries on furlough, local denominational leaders, or leaders who may be visiting your area.
Women will participate in classes and events that meet their needs, including time, location, and childcare. Smaller church leaders need to begin with a few basic needs and find creative ways to build in flexibility. Encourage your leadership team and church women to think outside the box. We must never forget God is the only One who ever created something from nothing. If we live in a box, it is because we choose to live there.
Today’s technology can be an invaluable tool. Properly used, email and websites can help women feel more in touch with one another and can offer much needed encouragement. Smaller churches can use this tool creatively for outreach whenever someone is added to the email list. New technology provides unique opportunities to meet women’s needs through their computers at their convenience. Outreach can literally happen 24-hours-a-day!
This article is adapted from an excerpt written by Martha Lawley and found in Transformed Lives: Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level compiled by Chris Adams.