Whether your ministry is beginning or established, you must consider budgeting. New ministries are likely not in the church budget. Your goal should be for the church to support women’s ministry as it does other ministries.
When There Is No Budget
If you have no budget money, be creative. Each event or activity must recover costs by selling tickets, workbooks/materials, and charging for child care. Decorations can be handmade or purchased and resold at the event. (Women are usually willing to bring items from home or donate them.) Each woman should purchase her Bible study workbook as an investment in spiritual growth. Members could help cover leader materials. State, regional, or associational offices may have materials they can loan. Two smaller churches may join together to purchase materials, then stagger starting dates to use resources at the same time; or larger churches may be willing to loan them to smaller churches. For special events, make the needs known to the church. Those in your church who have the gift of giving and the means to do so may gladly contribute money, time, or other resources to help. Convey the need and ask God to open hearts and wallets for each ministry He asks you to provide.
Occasionally a woman may not be financially able to purchase tickets for special events or workbooks for Bible studies. Partial or full scholarships should be available. Make your scholarship needs known so those who can afford it will be aware of the need. Publicizing this fund also lets those who need help know how to find assistance.
Document all expenses you incur to back financial requests at budget time. Finance committees want to know you have thought through and documented proposals rather than figures pulled out of the air. What areas might you consider as you summarize your budget needs?
- Publicity such as brochures, posters, flyers, newspaper and radio ads
- Literature (purchase of curriculum, resources, devotionals, magazines)
- Spiritual enrichment and growth (retreats, workshops, support groups)
- Special events (supplements funding food, facility rental, honorarium and travel for speakers, publicity, and decoration above recovered costs)
- Fellowship (supplementing fellowship/social outreach)
- Leader training such as national, regional, or associational conferences
- Discipleship resources (purchase/rental of resources for discipling, training, and equipping individuals for ministry and evangelism)
- Transportation (supplementing or funding transportation needs), especially for out-of-town training and enrichment
- Food service (supplies, equipment rental, labor above recovered costs)
- Printing (newsletters, brochures, handouts, conference and correspondence materials that communicate and promote women’s ministry)
- Postage (mailings) for newsletters, outreach, and correspondence
- Supplies (general office supplies, bulletin boards, photography)
- Conventions/conferences (transportation, lodging, meals, incidentals for continuing education and professional development of women’s ministry director)
- Professional improvement (subscriptions for magazines, newsletters, journals, and purchase of books and other resources for the development of women’s ministry leadership team)
- Hospitality (expenditures related to hospitality) such as food, decorations, and miscellaneous for ongoing activities
- Childcare (expenses for ongoing weekly meetings and special events)
- Community ministries (to meet physical, emotional, spiritual needs):
– Outreach luncheon/banquet
– Hospital
– Mother’s program
– Food pantry
– Clothes closet
– Tutorial program
– Nursing home
– English as a second language
As you document expenses, you may not include all of these. These are suggestions to consider as you further develop your women’s ministry. God is able to provide for the ministries He directs you to offer.
This article is adapted from Transformed Lives compiled by Chris Adams.