A Note from Chris Adams: The motherhood challenge is huge for a women’s leader. We so want to help them ALL! But it’s not that easy. Dr. Deb Douglas, First Baptist Church, Bossier City, LA challenges us to reach moms in a feasible way—one mom at a time.
My mom was a gorgeous woman dressed in heels, hose, and a cinched in waist dress. She was an amazing cook and an incredible Bible teacher. She was wise and wonderful and busy.
Me? My style is more jeans, lace, and boots…but that’s just today!
My daughter in her cutesy pregnancy style is adorable! My daughter-in-law’s style of motherhood is more quiet confidence and strength. I love that every mom’s style is unique.
Not only are styles of moms different, so are their ministry needs. How do women’s leaders help all these different kinds of moms?
- Granola moms. These moms are fabulous at making their own baby food and knowing where the best organic meats and veggies are. These moms are offended by waste in ministry.
- Soccer moms. Or baseball moms. Or gymnastic moms. Get the picture? These are moms who are busy with practices and games or performances, along with travel to events. Having online Bible studies works best for these moms.
- Sandwich moms. These moms are caring for their younger children while parenting their high schoolers or college-age children, often while trying to hold down a job. These moms are stressed to the max. Encouragement is the best way to minister to these moms! Cards, texts, and sweet, short conversations are treasures!
- Single moms. Help! These moms need a break—physically, financially, and emotionally! Anything we can pour into these moms will be helpful.
The point is, we cannot minister to all moms the same way. Moms are individuals with individual needs. Knowing our moms on a personal basis (and yes, this is possible!) is the key.
- Praying and asking God to bring moms in need into our lives will help us better minister to and better understand moms!
- Be intentional about understanding the style of moms and the needs of moms.
It’s a big challenge, but we can do this with God’s help! Get out there and get into the style—the styles of motherhood that is!
Dr. Deb Douglas has served in women’s ministry for over 37 years. Now she spends her time working with Purchased Ministry, a ministry to women in the sex trade industry. Deb is also the Director of Biblical Counseling at First Baptist Church, Bossier City, LA. She was the first to graduate from New Orleans Baptist Theological seminary with a Masters degree focusing on women’s ministry and has earned a Doctor of Education in Ministry degree from NOBTS. She is “Pearl” to 3 sweet grand babies, “Mom” to Jared Douglas and Katie Chavis, and wife/sweetheart to Paul Douglas.