At this time of year, we’re reminded of the love God showed us by sending the most precious gift, His only Son, to earth. And it is because of the giving heart of our Father that Christmas often makes us think about how we can meet the needs of others and share this precious gift of the gospel with them.
Today we are simply sharing a list of ideas to help you as you consider and dream about ministry ideas for the new year. Choose one or two of these ideas and begin praying for the Lord to lead you in how you can establish (or continue to a greater degree) some of these ministry opportunities.
New Mothers
Minister to new mothers in the community by providing gift basket with gospel tracts, baby items, packets of verses about mothers and children.
Welcoming Newcomers
Visit prospects and takes packet of information about women’s ministry and other activities. Answer questions about the church.
Correspondence Committee
Write letters of welcome to newcomers, condolence to the bereaved, and congratulations to new mothers in the community.
Nursing Home Ministries
Provide treats or tray favors for holidays, send “thinking of you” cards, periodically lead or provide music, celebrate birthdays with gift bags or cakes, provide manicures or hairstyle “make overs,” read with residents, or simply visit with them.
Prison Ministry
Provide Bible studies and discipleship groups for inmates and/or their family members.
Caring Hands
Make comfort dolls for patients in children’s hospitals, lap robes for nursing home residents, and other items for mission projects.
Single Mom’s Expo
Offer a day of fellowship and seminars to meet unique needs of single moms. Provide child care. Include topics such as financial planning, The 5 Love Languages of Children, spiritual growth, dressing on a dime, home decorating, and parenting.
Senior Adult Outreach
Provide community outreach to retirement-age women. Ideas include: health lectures and luncheons, centerpieces with health care and first aid items tucked among flowers, door prizes for tickets to movies, concerts, and lunches awarded in pairs so seniors can go with a new friend.
New Member Shepherding
Committee members each take one Sunday a quarter to make contact with all women who join that day. They commit to have five touches: personal visits, phone calls, written correspondence, or provide a ride to women’s activities) with each one before taking another new member. (See more in Transformed Lives: Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level.)
Adopt a Grandparent
Members get to know an elderly person who does not have family nearby, invite them to participate in children’s and families activities, and celebrate birthdays and holidays with them.
Widow Support Group
Women attend a monthly Saturday morning gathering that has a theme, devotional, food, and fellowship. While they are at the gathering, men from the church provide a practical ministry such as changing oil and filters in their cars.
Bereavement Meals
Provide meals for families who have lost loved ones, even if they are not members of the church.
“PieceMakers” Quilting Ministry
Teach the younger generation of women the lost art of quilting while sharing life and faith stories all at the same time.
Women’s Encouragement (Lay Counseling) Ministry
Match women in crisis with a woman who has “been there and made it” for encouragement and prayer support. Be sure to train your women in basic lay counseling skills so they will know what to do in case referrals are necessary. (See Transformed Lives: Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level and Women Reaching Women in Crisis.)
These are just a few ideas for reaching women in the new year. What would you add to this list? Share your ideas with us in the comments!
This article is an excerpt from Women Reaching Women: Beginning and Building a Growing Women’s Ministry compiled by Chris Adams.