Here are some links to things we’re loving this week.
We love email for the convenience, but aren’t so in love with crazy inboxes. Here are some tips for getting a grip on your email.
This article on Selma Wilson’s blog about How to Subscribe to a Podcast in iTunes is perfect, since she started a podcast (maybe she planned that 😉 )! We already love Selma on Leadership. Check it out!
It’s summer and in Tennessee, that means humidity. Which, in turn, means hair troubles. We love this easy, simple braid tutorial from Kate. It’s a way to get the softer braid look without a lot of effort.
We love leaders and equipping people for discipleship, so we loved what Eric Geiger had to say about leadership development and discipleship.
Sleep, eating, and exercise can become routine and we don’t often think about how those activities relate to our relationship with God. That’s why we love this article about honoring God with our bodies.
Finally, who doesn’t love baby goats in pajamas?