By Jaye Martin
It’s good for us to periodically step back and evaluate the effectiveness of our women’s ministries by determining whether or not we are truly meeting the needs of today’s women. So what is it that women in our churches need?
1. Balance
Anytime you offer options to help a woman with one or more of her responsibilities, she will juggle her busy schedule to be there! For instance: give her tips on how to manage her time wisely, to simplify her life, to establish a quiet time, to study the Bible and apply it to her crazy schedule, how to be a better wife or a great mom. Help her find some answers to bring balance to her life. She’ll be grateful for the help.
2. Stress Relief
No matter what season of life a woman is in, she is often stressed. Oh, there may be a different degree of it, but it is still there! Offer women an opportunity to get away from the daily grind, and they will come. Give women some ways to handle stress, and they will be there. Help them discover a new perspective on life, and they will be grateful.
3. Purpose
Far too many women don’t know their purpose in life. Creative events can help them find their true purpose! God has a plan for each woman, and it is our job as women’s leaders to help them know God, grow in their walk with Him, and share their walk with others. Women need to understand that they are uniquely gifted for service. Help women discover their spiritual gifts as well as their talents. Then give them places to use those gifts and talents to further the kingdom of God. When you do, you will find you have women who are fulfilled, joyful, and ready to serve.
4. Relationships
Significant relationships can be difficult to come by in today’s society. Before TV, the Internet, and smart phones, folks used to sit around and chat. And when women would talk, things had a way of working themselves out. Aunt Polly would give her perspective; Granny would tell how it was in her day; and before the evening was over, wisdom had been shared and relationships had been strengthened. Women need each other. They like to share and need to know there are women out there who care about them and the things going on in their lives. Provide ways for your women to get to know each other by taking time to sit and chat. They will build mentoring relationships that will change their lives.
Begin to pray and dream about how God wants you to move forward to meet these needs in the women in your sphere of influence. He knows the heart of each woman, and He will surely guide you as you seek to meet these women where they are.
What are some other needs all women have in common? How have you intentionally met these needs in your ministry?
This article is adapted from Transformed Lives: Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level compiled by Chris Adams.
Jaye Martin is the creator of HeartCall Women’s Evangelism and is the Women’s Evangelism Strategist for the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. She invited Christ to be her Lord and Savior at the age of seven. After graduation from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in December 1988, Jaye joined the staff at Houston’s First Baptist Church in 1989. She was Minister of Evangelism, Women, and Prayer until November 1997 when she began working for NAMB. In addition to her responsibilities at NAMB, Jaye also serves as Director of Women’s Programs at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where she is also almost finished with her EdD in Leadership. Learn more about Jaye on her website and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter: // // // @jayemartin // @JMM2go.