Summer is a time for swimming, campfires, traveling, cookouts, and more. It can be difficult to make Bible study a priority with kids out of school and vacations wreaking havoc on your normal routine. Because we understand, and because we have loved online Bible studies so far, we are offering not one, but TWO opportunities for online Bible study this summer!
We are offering What Love Is by Kelly Minter and Seamless by Angie Smith as online Bible studies that are available anytime!
This is the perfect solution to Bible study in the crazy summer months for a few reasons:
- You can join in and participate any time! Also, if your group is already doing a study this summer, but you want to do Seamless or What Love Is in the fall, you can go back and watch the videos/participate in the comments then. We’ll leave the posts up!
- You just need the Bible study book (order one online here: What Love Is, Seamless). This means your group (or just you if you’re flying solo) can have your study anywhere! Watch the videos at the pool, on the road, or in the air.
- The studies are 7 weeks long, perfect for summer break. Perhaps your small group or women’s Bible study has taken a break for the summer. You can study with us!
To learn more about What Love Is and to sign up to participate in the study of 1, 2, & 3 John, click here.
To learn more about Seamless and to sign up to participate in the study of the Bible as one complete story, click here.
The best news is you don’t have to choose just one summer Bible study!
You can participate in both studies now (you overachiever, you), or you can choose one for now and one for later. We’ll leave the posts up, so you can join in whenever!