A Note from Chris Adams: As a leader, do you ever stop in your tracks because you just aren’t sure what to do? Or do you sometimes doubt the power of Christ in and through your life so you don’t do anything? Today’s post is written by Dawn Stephens, who serves as the women’s minister at The Church at Brook Hills, in Birmingham, Alabama. She shares about a book she recently read (and I, too, recommend this read!), and then challenges us to let the Lord direct us as we move forward obediently following the Holy Spirit’s leadership.
Recently I was blessed to help host a gathering of young single women (ages 22-35), at our church. A panel of older women shared wisdom, perspective, and wit to this next generation of Christian women.
This panel shared their life stories and personal perspectives on topics that answered the questions, “Who Am I and Where Am I Headed?”
But as a women’s ministry leader of any age or length of tenure, do you ever ask those questions yourself? I know I have over the years, and I anticipate I will again.
After recently reading a great book for any Christian woman in leadership, Dare Mighty Things by Halee Gray Scott, I came away from that gathering with the following challenges for both myself and other women’s ministry leaders:
1. Don’t wait, but step into what God is calling or showing you to do with your life and ministry.
Be strong in the Lord and be courageous women of God. “Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength.” Ephesians 6:10
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to move forward despite fear.” —Halee Gray Scott, Dare Mighty Things
2. Don’t worry, but relax into where God is growing and shaping you and your ministry.
Learn whose you are in Christ and walk confidently as the woman He has created you to be! Don’t doubt or fret, but stand on His Word as you lead women closer to the heart of God.
3. Don’t wonder, but know Christ is with you and can lead you if you submit to His control.
As one of my women’s small group leaders recently said, ”The root of the word discipline is disciple. You can’t be a disciple of Christ without learning discipline as a Christ follower.” Now is the season for us to discipline ourselves to moment-by-moment submission to the Holy Spirit through our thoughts, actions, and will. When that happens, our women’s ministries will flourish, grow, and multiply women for God’s kingdom purposes.
Women of God, read this quote below and decide to act now…
“How wonderful it is that no one ever need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” —attributed to Anne Frank
If a young woman could make this type of statement in bondage, what can we as women of God do in freedom?
Dawn Stephens has been involved in women’s ministry in both volunteer and staff positions for many years. She is the associate minister of local disciple making and women’s small groups at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Ala. Her desire is to train, equip and encourage women to use their God given gifts and abilities to show Christ’s love and grace to our world. She graduated from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Women’s Ministry certificate program, has served on the Alabama Baptist State Women’s Ministry leadership team, and serves as a Lifeway Ministry Multiplier.