Every church or ministry has people who are consistently against virtually everything — CAVE dwellers. They are negative, critical naysayers, and we must figure out how to deal with them as we seek to develop effective women’s ministry.
Read 7 Ways to Deal with CAVE Dwellers in Your Church at ThomRainer.com. Then read below about how we can apply these seven principles specifically to women’s ministry.
1. Accept the reality that every ministry will have CAVE dwellers.
Be aware that they are present and don’t be caught off guard. All ministries have them at some point.
2. Pray for your own attitude.
I am glad Jesus did not hold my sins against me through his death on the cross. My attitude should be like His, and I should seek prayerfully to have the right attitude toward CAVE dwellers.
3. Pray for the CAVE dwellers.
God can do so much more with these women than you can. Pray for His will to be made known and obeyed.
4. Stay above reproach.
It would be easy for us to join the ranks of CAVE dwellers by becoming like them in our negative attitudes. Don’t do it.
5. Spend more time with positive women.
Be sure that you balance your relationships with those who are positive and supportive of the ministry; those who don’t know it can’t be done and who are always open to change.
6. Spend more time with women’s leaders in other churches.
This becomes a great support system to you and your team. You can see that you are not the only women’s leader dealing with CAVE dwellers.
7. Ask other women to help you deal with CAVE dwellers.
You may have some team members or other women in your ministry who are willing to help work with the naysayers. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
How do you typically work with CAVE dwellers in your ministry? Share your ideas in the comments below.
Chris Adams is senior lead women’s ministry specialist at Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville, Tenn. Learn more about Chris here.