Women’s Ministry Leadership Interview with Leighann McCoy
Leighann McCoy is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is the senior pastor’s wife at Thompson Station Church, Thompson Station, Tenn., a mother of three, a Lifeway Ministry Multiplier and a writer and speaker. Currently, she serves on staff at Thompson Station Church as the prayer and women’s minister, and is a frequent speaker at women’s events and prayer conferences. Throughout her ministry, she has served in several denominational positions relating to children and women’s ministries. She is the author of 10 books, including Spiritual Warfare for Women and A Woman’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice.
Chris Adams: Tell us about your current women’s leadership role, Leighann?
Leighann McCoy: My current role is actually mentor of our women’s ministry director and staff representative for women. I also teach on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
Chris: How long have you served in ministry?
Leighann: Since I was 18 so … 33 years!
Chris: Tell us how God led and prepared you to the place you serve?
Leighann: God led me daily through teaching me to hear His voice in my quiet time primarily, and then beyond that. He prepared me to serve women through children’s ministry.
Chris: That is interesting. I too first served in the church with our preschool children’s missions group. And I talk to many leaders who began in children’s ministry and then felt pulled toward the women’s ministry. Leighann, we all face tough ministry issues at times. What is your greatest challenge currently?
Leighann: My greatest challenge currently is living life while managing ministry. I have always been able to multitask but the various methods of communication and the abundance of my life can be overwhelming. Oh, for the days of telephones and snail mail!
Chris: Isn’t that the truth! Because of technology, everyone expects instant answers and results. So how do you balance ministry, home, work, and all the responsibilities you have?
Leighann: It’s a trick really. I let what is most important take precedence over other things no matter the fall out. I learned to recognize what is most important through the battle with cancer. I also get away for some chunks of time to regain my focus.
Chris: I can see why that would make you seek to focus on the most important issues of life. Where are you seeing the greatest transformation in the lives of women?
Leighann: I see the greatest transformation through small groups.
Chris: Small groups are definitely where life change happens. We get to watch it happen in others and experience that transformation ourselves. What is your No. 1 leadership tip you would share with other women in leadership?
Leighann: Trust God more. He has so much more He wants to reveal about Himself to you and through you.
Chris: That is one we all need to follow. I’ve learned so much from leaders who have gone before me — things I wish I’d learned earlier. What do you wish you’d known when you first began leading women?
Leighann: Knowing the answers isn’t nearly as important as walking in intimacy with the Answer.
Chris: Amen! I love how you said that. What are your dreams for the future of ministry to and with women?
Leighann: That woman would minister to the needs of other women so much that the love of God is what sets us apart from the world.
Chris: That is a great dream. Thanks so much for sharing with us, Leighann. How can we pray for you?
Leighann: Ask Him to give me clarity in thinking, so I can process the wisdom I’ve gained and adequately share it with others (while I keep gaining more).
Chris: Thank you again for sharing your life and insight with our leaders.
Chris Adams is senior lead women’s ministry specialist at Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville, Tenn. Learn more about Chris here.