Sometimes ministry is doing what God places in front of us today. For some that may seem mundane and less than challenging. Or it might be challenging but not in a way we desire! It may appear as more of a roadblock to what we feel we should be doing.
I remember serving in my church for the first time when I was in my 20s. My pastor’s wife asked me to assist her with our preschool missions program. First of all, I couldn’t believe she thought I was qualified to do that. But then I was so blessed as she taught me how to lead those children. Today, if my pastor’s wife asked me to teach children, I’d probably say, no, that’s not my calling at this point. But what if it was God’s assignment for me?
How would I perceive that assignment? As something small and unimportant or as God’s greatest assignment for me at that time? Most of the leadership roles God has given me have come from just doing what He put in front of me. I never really thought ahead to a “bigger” assignment for the most part, especially in the early days of serving in ministry as a layperson or even as a part-time staff member at my church.
Perhaps God has given you great dreams and aspirations of serving Him in big ways and big ministries with big results. But my question to you is this: What are you doing right now right where He has you? There is nothing wrong with being idealistic and having huge dreams for making a difference in God’s Kingdom, but it must never come at the expense of doing what God asks you to do today, where you are, with the people He places in front of you. Today, that is your greatest assignment.
A favorite quote of mine is this: “Don’t expect God to make you a lighthouse somewhere else, if you can’t be a candle where you are” (unknown author). Luke 16:10 says, “Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much” (HCSB).
I need to hear that today. Do you?