At our 2013 Women’s Forum, Leighann McCoy taught on the topic of spiritual warfare and it truly impacted so many leaders lives. One leader went home only to face a tornado in her community the day after the forum! She mentioned how much this session had meant to her. Read Leighann’s post here for a taste of the session.
By Leighann McCoy
Don’t forget that the “win” in spiritual warfare comes when you allow the character of God to be demonstrated in and through your life.
Set a boundary around your ministry. Be careful to avoid worthless arguments and activities that distract you from God’s Kingdom agenda. Let God define your success.
Manage your “household” well. This includes your area of ministry responsibility and your home. Management involves efficient use of your time and your talent. Management involves making sure your family isn’t expected to sacrifice “wife” and “mom” on the altar of service. Management also involves working with a team.
Always be your pastor’s and your church leadership’s advocate. If you cannot wholeheartedly support the leadership of your church, find a church where you can. If there is dissension in the “ranks” let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth. Work inside your boundaries and trust God to work on the people and situations beyond them. (You might be surprised how much support you will receive from church leaders when they know that you are for them.)
Relax and retreat. Understand that much of what is done that remains forever is done by the ‘wind’ of the Spirit. And when Jesus spoke with Nicodemus, He said that no one knows where the wind comes from or when it will blow. If the wind is not blowing, don’t force it. Take a rest. Pull back, be still and know that God is able to do in one moment what you cannot in many years.
Take it easy. This ministry that you serve belongs to God. He’s got it. There is never a morning that God awakes (for He never sleeps), rubs His eyes and declares, “Oh no! What will I ever do about this?!” God has a marvelous way of taking the most unusual circumstances and transforming them into the most amazing blessings.
Leighann McCoy, graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, is the senior pastor’s wife, Thompson Station Church, Thompson Station, Tenn., mother of three and grandmother of one, as well as a writer and speaker. Currently, she serves on staff at Thompson Station Church as the prayer and women’s minister, and is a frequent speaker at women’s events and prayer conferences. Throughout her ministry, she has served in several denominational positions relating to children and women’s ministries. She is the author of nine books including A Woman’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice and Spiritual Warfare for Women.